application for employment - Autobell Car Wash

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NOTICE: 1. TO BE CONSIDERED FOR EMPLOYMENT WITH AUTOBELL CAR WASH, INC., YOU MUST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS AND COMPLETE ALL SECTIONS OF THIS APPLICATION FORM. PLACE “N/A" IN SECTIONS THAT ARE NOT APPLICABLE. 2. AUTOBELL CAR WASH, INC. IS AN EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER. WHEN COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION, PLEASE MAKE SURE YOU: 1. GIVE COMPLETE INFORMATION ON YOUR EDUCATION AND WORK HISTORY (“SEE RESUME” IS NOT ACCEPTABLE.) 2. CHECK FOR ACCURACY, SIGN AND DATE YOUR APPLICATION. THANK YOU FOR YOUR INTEREST IN EMPLOYMENT WITH AUTOBELL CAR WASH, INC. AUTOBELL CAR WASH, INC. WANTS TO FIND THE BEST QUALIFIED PEOPLE AVAILABLE TO SERVE OUR COMMUNITIES. ALTHOUGH EVERYONE WHO APPLIES CANNOT BE HIRED, YOUR APPLICATION WILL BE GIVEN EVERY CONSIDERATION. Last Name Address (Street number and name) Home Phone APPLICATION FOR EMPLOYMENT Message/Cell Phone First Name City Middle Initial Date of Application State Zip Code Are you at least 16 years old? � YES � NO Are you related by blood or marriage to any person now working for the AUTOBELL Car Wash, Inc.? � YES � NO If yes, give name, relationship to you and the location/store where employed. _________________________________________________________________________ Availability What is your preferred number of hours to work per week? ________ 10-15 ________ 16-20 ________21-25 ________26-30 ________31-35 ________36-40 What hours are you available to work each day of the week? MONDAY______________________ TUESDAY_______________________ WEDNESDAY______________________ THURSDAY________________________ FRIDAY_____________________ SATURDAY__________________________ SUNDAY_____________________ Referral Source How did you hear about AUTOBELL Car Wash, Inc.? � “Now Hiring” Sign � Guidance Counselor/Teacher � Job Fair � Advertisement � AUTOBELL at my school � Friend: _______________________________________ � Other: ______________________________________ AUTOBELL Car Wash, Inc. Prior Employment Eligibility (History) Have you previously worked for AUTOBELL Car Wash, Inc.? � YES � NO Where:______________________ Manager:__________________ Why did you leave? ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Education: Circle highest grade completed: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 GED College: 1 2 3 4 Graduate School: 1 2 3 4 Schools High School College or Vocational School Skills: Name and Location Do you have experience with the following? (check all that apply) Dates Attended (mo/yr) From: To: Grad? YES NO YES NO Sales _______ Customer Service ______ Cash Register _______ Manual Transmission _______ Detailing _______ Working Outdoors _______ Retail _______ Are you legally authorized to work in the United States? � YES � NO Do you have a current valid driver’s license? � YES � NO License No.____________________ State:_______ Exp. Date:_____________ Note: Answering YES to the below questions does not automatically disqualify you for employment. Have you ever pled “guilty” or “no contest” to a crime or been convicted? � YES � NO If YES, give date and details:_______________________________________________________________________________________________ Have you ever been convicted of a DUI or DWI? � YES � NO If YES, Date:__________________________________________________

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