What is Spatial and Non-Spatial Data in GIS?

Geospatial data is primarily of two types in GIS i.e. spatial data and non-spatial data. Geographical Information System (GIS) is a computer-based programming system which integrates hardware, software, data and user interface for capturing, analyzing and presenting all forms of geographically referenced information over the surface of the earth.

Spatial Data

Non-Spatial Data

Table 1
Shape_ID Shape_Name Illegal Building Present Source of Pollution
1 RiverYamuna.shp 10 Sewerage
2 Forest.shp 5 Garbage Dumping
3 GovtLand.shp 4 Garbage Dumping


Hence, the primary difference between spatial and non-spatial data is that the spatial data contains the locational expanse in terms of latitude and longitude (UTM) whereas the non-spatial does not contain this information.

Dr. Nisha is an Assistant Professor of Geography at Kamala Nehru College, University of Delhi.