Can anyone make prophetic amenders rift

Dimensions, Dimension Items and Wardrobe are all accessed in sub-sections of the Summerfest store.
Click the tabs on the left to go to the Dimension and Wardrobe sections.

Note: Some of the items for sale can be acquired by other means during the event.

The 4 hour minion missions (Loot table here) will give you various items, including pets and wardrobe.

Dimension Items

The dimension addicts over at have made an awesome page showcasing all of the summerfest dimension items. Highlights include the Dimension Key: Tartaric Depths, and the Dimension Kit: Pyroclastic Flow, which includes 13 different fiery dimension items.


You can find screenshots of all the wardrobe items here.


Summerfest Party Basket

The summerfest party baskets drop a variety of different summerfest items.
You will receive 6 baskets for free over the course of the event as rewards for the meta hunt quests. You can then buy as many as you like using merit badges, which are easily farmable by doing the dailies or farming planar creatures.
Inside the summerfest party baskets you will find….
PETS! – Towards the summerfest pet cheevo
ARTIFACTS! – Towards the ‘summerfest party punch’ artifact set
MERIT BADGES – A small amount of merit badges (20-50)
THE ELUSIVE BRACLETS! – Yes they do drop bracelets.. yes it is complete RNG, you may get a bracelet from just a few boxes opened, or you may open 100 and get none!

Gold Scarab Portrait Badge

Available for credits only.
For examples of other Portrait Badges you can find a list here.
Cupcake Portrait Badge

Available for credits only.
For examples of other Portrait Badges you can find a list here.


Tarjentian Seals (2020) - Best in Slot

This Seal is the best in slot Seal for DPS and Tanks of all classes when it is upgraded. The Seal is 26 main stat and 224 AP/SP more than the previous years seal. The tank Seal has added guard instead of AP/SP. The Seal is Bound-to-Account even after equipping.
You can buy it with an alt and send it to your main, leaving the currency on your main for buying soulbound items (like mounts).

Tarjentian Seal Upgrade Materials

The Tarjentian Seal is upgraded easily with crafting materials. Once you upgrade the Seal it will become soulbound.

7 Prophetic Metal Amenders (all classes need metal)
Prophetic Metal Amenders are upgraded from Visionary Metal Amenders.
You will need to craft/buy/trade some Visionary Metal Amenders and then upgrade each one yourself using 2x Tenebrean Attuners (bought in the Rift Store > Crafting > Reagents).
You cannot trade amenders which have already been upgraded to prophetic quality as they become soulbound on upgrade. 10 Celestial Matrix
Dropped from crafting rifts, or can be made from Celestial Motes. Celestial Motes also drop from crifts, when you have ten of them you can combine them with a Tenebrean Planar Attuner to create a Celestial Matrix. Simply right click your stack of Celestial Motes to combine them.

Dont forget to put a rune on your Seal after you have upgraded it!
Cleric Seal

Tarjentian Seal of Wisdom upgrades to Tarjentian Seal of Prophecy

Mage Seal

Tarjentian Seal of Intelligence upgrades to Tarjentian Seal of Unbound Knowledge

Warrior Seal

Tarjentian Seal of Strength
upgrades to Tarjentian Seal of Might

Rogue Seal

Tarjentian Seal of Dexterity upgrades to Tarjentian Seal of Shadow

Tank Seal

Tarjentian Seal of Endurance upgrades to Tarjentian Seal of Indomitability

Elysian Seals

Elysian Seals are now second Best in Slot, the difference in stats to the Tarjentian Seals is small and the Elysian Seal is slightly cheaper to buy and upgrade. You may want to buy these for non-raiding alts.

Heliacal Seals

A level 65 Seal.
There is no need at all for a low level character to buy these.
Don’t waste your currency!

Lesser Essence

Level 0-65 Lesser Essences

You can buy these and send to alts if you want to but they are really not worth the time it takes to farm the currency!

10 Mounts

Please note most of the mounts are available for event currency!
In the Rift Store: You will find a selection of mounts, some of these will be the same mount twice, make sure you read the tooltip and purchase the correct mount unlock!
Some of the mounts unlock for a single character only, usually the ones that are available for event currency .
Some of the mounts unlock for all your characters on your account, usually the ones that are available for credits only .

Be very careful when buying mounts – Most of them are bind on pick up, but others are bound to account , you can buy bound to account mounts with your alts to send to your main.. Make sure you buy them on the correct character!

Credit Prices: Prices shown may be for Patrons. Players without a Patron sub will pay slightly more (Patrons get 10% discount on store credit prices).

SC = Single Character
AW = Account Wide
Mount Name SC – Credits SC – Event Currency AW -Credits
Burning Husk 1350 8 Bracelets 600 Badges
Corsair’s Cutter 2700
Floral Blue Surfboard 1080 6 Bracelets 400 Badges
Floral Red Surfboard 1080 6 Bracelets 400 Badges
Island Surfboard 1800
Maelloon 2250
Nightmare Squirrel 1080 6 Bracelets 400 Badges
Ravensong, the Ash Walker 150 Platinum
Spectral Carriage 1350 6 Bracelets 800 Badges
War Thresher 1350 8 Bracelets 600 Badges 2700
Burning Husk

This mount is bind on pickup – You will need to buy it using the character you want it on.

Corsair’s Cutter (2020)

This mount is available for credits only – It is account wide, when you buy it, the mount will be sent to every character on your account.

Floral Blue Surfboard

This mount is bind on pickup – You will need to buy it using the character you want it on.

Floral Red Surfboard

This mount is bind on pickup – You will need to buy it using the character you want it on.

Island Surfboard

This mount is available for credits only – It is account wide, when you buy it, the mount will be sent to every character on your account.


This mount is available for credits only – It is account wide, when you buy it, the mount will be sent to every character on your account.

Nightmare Squirrel

This mount is bind on pickup – You will need to buy it using the character you want it on.

Ravensong, the Ash Walker

You need to complete the Summer Royalty cheevo to be able to buy this mount.

Spectral Carriage

This mount is bind on pickup – You will need to buy it using the character you want it on.

War Thresher (2020)

Available as an account wide unlock for credits, or for a single character with event currency or credits.

12 Pets / Companions

All of the pets are Bound to Account – So you can buy them on an alt to send to your main.
Blue Parrot


Deathika, the Skeletal Dancer



Jenniphear, the Dancing Zombie


Red Parrot





2 Minions

Minion Card: Muirden (2015)

When you purchase this minion and add him to your deck he will open up a chain of missions..
Below is a full guide to the Muirden minion card quest chain.
You can find the original guide for this minion card on RIFTGRATE.
Use Muirden to complete the first mission.
Warning: You will get loads of fireworks and other items during this chain, make sure you have space in your bags!

(1) Found in 5/15 Deck. – The Summerfest planners are late! Where could they be? – 5 mins long.
(2) Found in 5/15 Deck. – They’re relaxing at the beach and forgot about the party. – 5 mins long.
(3) Found in 5/15 Deck. – You’re going to have to make this party happen by yourself! – 15 mins long.
(4) Found in 8hr Deck. – Wait, is that Nyor’tothgylu surfing in to shore? He can help us! – 8 hours long. – Nyor’tothgylu minion card reward
(5) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Make banners and signs to guide people to the party. – 15 mins long.
(6) Found in 8hr Deck. – Keavy is all tangled up in the streamers! – 8 hours long. – Keavy minion card reward
(7) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Blow up balloons and decorate the area. – 15 mins long.
(8) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Find brewers to make drinks for the festival. – 5 mins long.
(9) Found in 8hr Deck. – Ravi is drinking all the mead! – 8 hours long. – Ravi minion card reward
(10) Found in 5/15 Deck. – The partygoers are going to be hungry. Let’s find some snacks. – 15 mins long.
(11) Found in 8hr Deck. – There’s Rashboil! He can help cook! – 8 hours long. – Rashboil minion card reward
(12) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Time to set up the party games. – 5 mins long.
(13) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Let’s make a scavenger hunt! – 15 mins long.
(14) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Gather prizes for the winners. – 15 mins long.
(15) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Let’s get a game of hide and seek going! – 15 mins long.
(16) Found in 8hr Deck. – It took a lot of searching. but I found Ms. Meles hiding in the – 8 hours long. – Ms. Meles minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
The Summerfest planners are late! Where could they be?
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
They’re relaxing at the beach and forgot about the party.
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
You’re going to have to make this party happen by yourself!
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Wait, is that Nyor’tothgylu surfing in to shore? He can help us!
8 hours long.
Nyor’tothgylu minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Make banners and signs to guide people to the party.
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Keavy is all tangled up in the streamers!
8 hours long.
Keavy minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Blow up balloons and decorate the area.
15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Find brewers to make drinks for the festival.
5 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
Ravi is drinking all the mead!
8 hours long.
Ravi minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
The partygoers are going to be hungry. Let’s find some snacks.
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
There’s Rashboil! He can help cook!
8 hours long.
Rashboil minion card reward

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Time to set up the party games.
5 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Let’s make a scavenger hunt!
15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Gather prizes for the winners.
15 mins long.

Found in 5/15 Deck.
Let’s get a game of hide and seek going!
15 mins long.

Found in 8hr Deck.
It took a lot of searching. but I found Ms. Meles hiding in the
8 hours long.
Ms. Meles minion card reward

Buying Muirden rewards you these 5 extra minion cards during the chain missions.

Minion Card: Mitch (2016)

When you purchase this minion and add him to your deck he will open up a chain of missions..
Below is a full guide to the Mitch minion card quest chain.
Huge thank you to RIANE over on the rift forums who spent time figuring out the questline and sharing it with the masses!
Use Mitch to complete the first mission.

(1) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Mitch embarks on a world tour with his famous puppet show – 10 mins long.
(2) Found in 5/15 Deck. – It’s not a party without music. Grab some instruments and play! – 5 mins long.
(3) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 1: Camping under the stars is a real adventure – 20 mins long.
(4) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 2: Who knew camping meant so many bugs? – 10 mins long.
(5) Found in 8 hour Deck. – Day 3: Charmed the Swarmlord with a clever bit of improv. – 10 hours long. – Swarmlord Khargroth minion card reward
(6) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 4: Are we lost – 10 mins long.
(7) Found in 1 min Deck. – Day 5: Finally out of the woods. – 3 mins long.
(8) Found in 1 min Deck. – Day 6: Lost a wagon to bandits. – 3 mins long.
(9) Found in 1 min Deck. – Day 7: Narrowly avoid stumbling into an Architect hive. – 3 mins long.
(10) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 8: Finally reach another town and put on a successful show! – 20 mins long.
(11) Found in 8 hour Deck. – Day 9: Summer road trips are exhausting – 10 hours long.
(12) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 10: Took a wrong turn somewhere – this doesn’t look like – 10 mins long.
(13) Found in 8 hour Deck. – Day 11: Play for passage aboard Rusila Dreadblade’s lava boat. – 10 hours long. – Rusila Dreadblade minion card reward
(14) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 12: Escape the infernal lands through a geyser vent! – 20 mins long.
(15) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 13: Reached the coast. Ocean sailing sounds better than walking. – 10 mins long.
(16) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 14: Lost at sea! – 20 mins long.
(17) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 15: Wake up in a strange land. What a nightmare! – 10 mins long.
(18) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 16: Escape capture with a clever disguise. – 10 mins long.
(19) Found in 1 min Deck. – Day 17: Stumble into the hidden grotto lair of Captain Dragon! – 3 mins long.
(20) Found in 8 hour Deck. – Day 18: Traded collection of scripts and puppets for our – 10 hours long. – Captain Dagon minion card reward
(21) Found in 5/15 Deck. – Day 19: Home again, safe and sound! – 10 mins long.